
Furunculosis on the abdomen of a man
Source: Derm Atlas


Furunculosis or boils is the bacterial infection of the hair glands of the skin and the tissues around it. Furuncles appear like red and painful papules around the base of the hair. These papules are filled with pus that may discharge. Furuncles may continue to appear in some patients for months or even years.

What Makes You Susceptible?

The risk factors of furuncles or boils are various. Like any other infection, factors like bad general hygiene, anemia and malnutrition increase the liability of developing boils. Other health conditions such as diabetes mellitus and seborrhea, a disease characterized by scale formation, reduce the immunity of the skin making it more vulnerable to infections. Emotional distress also can lead to formation of boils. Emotional distress elevates the level of hormones that promote the production of hair oils, on which bacteria may grow producing boils.


The symptoms of furuncles or boils include the presence of red and painful papules located at the base of the hair. These papules usually tend to grow rapidly in pustules, which are pus-filled papules. These pustules may discharge pus then.
Boils usually develop on the face, neck, arms and buttocks. They may also appear around the genital area. This area is usually covered by thick hairs.
Furuncles, sometimes, continue to develop for many months or even years in some patients. They are called chronic patients.


The treatment of boils usually begins with the treatment of the predisposing factors that lead to the problem, and then comes the role of anti-biotics to treat the boils themselves and fight infection. A combination of topical and systemic anti-biotics is usually recommended. Topical anti-biotics such as sodium fusidate (Fucidine) are very effective against boils when applied for three times daily , along with a systemically-administrated anti-biotic such as Penicillinase resistant Penicillin (Bactocil).
If the boils are large and contain large amount of pus, surgical incision and surgical drainage of pus are always recommended.

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