Functions of the Skin

The Skin
Cross section in the human skin

Functions of the skin

Skin is the largest organ in the body. It extends to cover every part of the body. If you imagine how our bodies will look if we have no skin, we will find that our bodies will look like those in horror movies, Sticky muscles moving over our skeleton. So, skin is very important for our shapes, it makes us beautiful.
In addition to its great cosmetic role, our skins have a lot of other useful functions which include:

Providing Protection

The skin protects the body against various threats. It acts as a barrier against many environments hazards. The horny layer on top the skin prevents water loss from our bodies, and hence protecting us from dehydration. In addition, it is the barrier against the absorption of many toxins from the environment.
The skin contains melanin pigments, the pigment that gives our skin its color. The melanin pigments absorb the ultra-violet rays of the sun. UV rays can destroy the DNA, our genetic book.
We use covers to protect our valuable things. The same does the skin; it covers everywhere in our bodies forming a mechanical barrier against any harm. The skin also keeps bacteria and other micro organisms away from our body. Regular peeling of the horny layer, sweat lactic acid and normal flora are all methods to fight infection.

Regulation of Heat

The skin is the main regulator of our body inner temperature, keeping it near 36.6 C. This temperature is very essential for our bodies and organs to work efficiently. Any change in this temperature affects the activity of our body enzymes making them working less efficient. The skin regulates the body temperature by two mechanisms. The sweat and dilatation of skin blood vessels increases the heat loss. In contrast, narrowing of the blood vessels of the skin decreases the heat loss, and hence preserves our bodies produced heat. The fats under the skin act as heat insulator, and prevent heat loss.

Excretion of Toxins

The skin, through the sweat, helps our bodies get rid of many toxins. Toxins like sodium chloride, when become excess, ammonia, lactic acid and many drugs can be excreted with sweat.

Vitamin D Formation

Vitamin D is very essential for Calcium absorption from the intestine and for bone formation and health. We can get vitamin D from diet, as well as our bodies can produce it. Vitamin D is produced through a multi-stage process. One of these steps occurs in the skin by the help of the Ultra-violet rays of the sun.


The skin is part of our sensory system. It is the place where the free nerve endings are present. Thanks to our skin, we can feel cold, warm, pain and touch. Can you imagine your life without touching for example?

Body Expressions

When we are happy for example, everyone meets us always ask why you are happy. Thanks to our skin moved by the underlying muscles, our body and facial expressions are produced. If there is no skin, do you imagine how our social life will be?


The skin contains a certain type of immunological cells called Langerhan's cells, it is different than islands of Langerhan's in pancreas. These cells play an important role of the immunological process.

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